La Captibulle récompensée par la médaille d'argent au Concours Lépine International Paris 2024 : reconnaissance de son efficacité et de son innovation
The Captibulle is a concentration aid
tested and approved by teachers.
It's a bubble to capture their attention in class
and/or during personal work at home.
It allows us to reproduce the tunnel of attention,
recommended by many psychologists,
by blocking distractors and
by transmitting a message of the need for concentration to those around him.
The child decides to start a concentration and learning project
by isolating yourself in “your bubble” to work better in peace.
He becomes an actor in his learning in a society abundant in demands and screens leading to passivity, an attention deficit and sometimes dropping out of school.

Les Captibulles : une fabrication française qui s'exporte à l'international
Les captibulles à l'unité pour les devoirs ou les activités à la maison, par lot de 3, 4, 6 ou 8 pour la classe ou les espaces de travail collectif
Origin of Captibulle
Use in the classroom
Europe 1 : les initiatives positives
Invitation sur Chérie FM
Reportage BFM TV Var